06 Nov Contact us
CONTACT US LSI Rr. Sami Frasheri God.20/10 Tirana 20/10Albania facebook.com/levizjasocialisteperintegrim @LSIFaqjaZyrtare Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim LSI Albania...
CONTACT US LSI Rr. Sami Frasheri God.20/10 Tirana 20/10Albania facebook.com/levizjasocialisteperintegrim @LSIFaqjaZyrtare Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim LSI Albania...
GET INVOLVED Volunteer for LSI! First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Ju lutemi shkruani bashkinë ose numrin e minibash...
PLATFORM {tab=Moving Forward Faster} LSI commitment to the coalition government was a responsible choice for innovation and cooperation within Albanian politics that brought political stability and respect for constitutional institutions. We entered the government with the...
STATUTE PROJEKT STATUTI I LËVIZJES SOCIALISTE PËR INTEGRIM I. Emri 1.1. Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim është parti politike. Ajo është bashkim vullnetar i shtetasve shqiptarë...
LEADERSHIP Ilir Meta was born on 24 March 1969 in Skrapar. Bachelor's in Political Economy at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana, Ilir Meta has completed postgraduate studies in the same...
THE PARTY The Socialist Movement for Integration was formed in September 2004 as a Social Democratic Party. Our party was formed out of the desire for more openness and inclusivity in Albanian politics. This is...
Albania is making progress...
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